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Energy Saving

H.R.T.I. - 1200 Water Base 

Thermal Insulation Coating

  • Product

Energy Saving - 

H.R.T.I. - 1200 Water Base Thermal Insulation Coating

  • Trade Information

  • Unit of Measure : - KG / Kilograms

  • Min. Order Quantity : - 10 Kilograms

  • Main Domestic Market : - INDIA  

  • Description

  • Excellent Product for Energy Saving Coating Upto 1200 Deg C.

  • This product is used for achieving heat resistant with thermal insulation of the surface where the temperature is more than 600 degrees C and less than 1100 degrees C .

  • This product is also suitable for brick hangers in furnace ceiling, furnace doors, any metal area behind bricks which can be exposed to excessive heat in case of bricks being damaged or leaked through

  • It is tested by I. I. T. Mumbai. And National Coatings Corporation California, U. S. A.

  • If undisturbed it does not need reapplication for about three years.

  • Application

  • H R T I 1200 Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts of furnaces which come into contact of heat upto 1200 deg. Celsius

  • For application over bricks, our water base product should be used.

  • In industries where heat is used for process,  THERMAL INSULATION COATINGS are used for energy saving purpose up to 1800 degrees C.

  • It reduces heat transfer from inner shell to exterior and hence reduces fuel consumption thereby increasing energy saving.

  • Features

  • H R T I 1200 Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts of furnaces which come into contact of heat upto 1200 deg. Celsius.

  • This coating increases the life of parts of furnace or the parts on which they are applied for protection by providing thermal insulation to them by radiation control.

  • The heating in sunlight is mainly due to radiation. Conduction and convection are secondary which transfer such generated heat.

  • Conventional insulating products are designed to prevent conduction and convection.

  • THERMAL INSULATION COATING is the only product which takes the care of radiation.

  • Being elastomeric it takes the care of expansion and contraction of the surface on which it is applied. Also after application of this, any conventional waterproofing is not required to the building.

  • it’s application has shown the minimum reduction of 10% in temperature. (Deg Celsius) checked with infrared thermometer.

  • In some cases where the application is done both interior and exterior, 40% saving is achieved. Hence ideal saving can be achieved just by applying  THERMAL INSULATION COATING paint.

  • This coating increases the life of parts on which they are applied for protection.

  • Application Procedure

  • First clean the interior surface of oven/ furnace, with sand paper to remove all loose dust, accumulated carbon, foreign material from the surface.

  • Then take 100 ML binder and mix it in 600 ML water.

  • Mix it thoroughly and add one kg powder to the mixture.

  • Prepare homogeneous mixture and apply with brush.

  • After four hours, apply second coat to the surface.

  • Allow it to cure. Then check the covering. If it is more than 25 square feet, apply third coat.

  • The covering between 25 and 30 sq ft will ensure dry film thickness of 200 microns minimum.

  • Once the application is over, the surface should be allowed to air dry for four hours.

  • Then for the first time firing, the temp of furnace should be increased at the rate of 50 degrees Celsius per hour to the required temperature.

  • This will allow convertible medium to play its role for proper binding to surface.

  • Care should be taken for not to mix entire mixture at a time.

  • Only require quantity for each coat application should be mixed at a time.

  • Disclaimer

The technical specification is correct to the best of our knowledge and under test conditions and we do not accept any liability towards misuse and contents of it. Product must be tested for specific use prior to use. For further details or any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

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