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Fire Resistance &

Fire Retardant

1. Fire Resistant Coatings 07022007 ( 2 Hour Rating for Concrete Walls )

Generally cement walls are not flammable but when there is fire on one side, the temperature is conducted or radiated though the walls and when the temperature rises above 200 degree C on other side, the products like paper gets self ignited. To prevent such heat transfer, these type of intumescent coatings are used. These are useful on cement, concrete, gypsum, fiber board partitions etc.

2. Fire Retardant Coatings 1410998 SB ( 2 Hour Rating for Steel Structures )

Steel Structure and frames or sheets are generally coated with this coating. As steel structure does not catch fire but transfers heat from one region to other, the fire ignition chances in other area increases thereby flame spread starts. But after application of these coatings, heat transfer is blocked for the time specified with DFT (dry film thickness). Also inert gasses released block Oxygen supply to area under fire. Hence these are very useful interior coatings

3. Fire Retardant Coatings 06022007 ( 2 Hour Rating for Wood )

Wood is flammable itself by nature. When there is fire in the vicinity and the temperature reaches 400 degrees C, wood gets self ignited. And the reaction of fire starts spreading. To prevent such heat transfer and to block the oxygen from reaching to the surface these type of intumescent coatings are used. These are useful on all types of wood but since these are opaque, the wood grains are not visible after coating these coatings on wood

4. Electrical Cables Fireproof Coatings 290908

Water base, intumescent, fire retardant, flexible and thin coating for cables and cable trays. This product is certified by National Test House of Government of India for 2 Hour Fire rating. Thin film coating approximately 800 microns provides reliable fire protection without causing premature ageing or overheating of cables

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