Heat Resistance
1. HR 200 - Heat Resistant Aluminum Paint
It is mainly used as heat resistant paint up to 200 degrees Celsius. Ordinary paints do not withstand the temperature up to 200 degrees Celsius and hence application of product are being used by major industries for ovens and furnaces heat resistant paints is required for such hot surfaces.
3. HR 400 - Chimney’s Heat Resistant Coatings
HR 100 - Chimney's Heat Resistant Coating is having silver color and is widely used in industries for chimney paintings and exhaust pipes painting.. It is suggested mainly for continuous temperatures between 160 and 360 degrees Celsius. In case of humid and salty weather special PRIMER FOR Heat Resist 400 is used.
5. HR 600 Silver – High Temperature Heat Resistant Coatings
Ordinary paints do not withstand the temperature up to 600 degrees Celsius and hence application of All products are being used by major industries for ovens and furnaces heat resistant paints is required for such hot surfaces. It is used as heat resistant coating suitable up to 600 degrees Celsius.
6. HR 1200 – High Temperature Heat Resistant Coatings
Heat Resist 1200 Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts of furnaces which come into contact of heat upto 1200 deg. Celsius. This coating increases the life of parts of furnace or the parts on which they are applied for protection
7. HR 1200 SB – Furnace High Temperature Heat Resistant Coatings
Furnace High Temperature Heat Resistant 1200 SB - Solvent Base Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts of furnaces which come into contact of heat upto 1200 deg. Celsius. This coating increases the life of parts of furnace or the parts on which they are applied for protection
8. HR 1800 – High Temperature Heat Resistant Coatings
High Temperature Heat Resist 1800 Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts of furnaces which come into contact of heat upto 1800 deg. Celsius. This coating increases the life of parts of furnace or the parts on which they are applied for protection